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Harlow Cuadra Movies Harlow Cuadra Appeal

19Oct/1012:58 AM

Pennsylvania Superior Court upholds Harlow Cuadra's Conviction

A Federal Judge in New York has established legal precedence holding that the constitutional right to legal counsel includes the right to counsel of your choosing. This legal precedence was upheld by The Federal Court of Appeals in New York. However, as we all know,

There is a big difference between Federal Court in New York and these little Pennsylvania State Courts. Counter to the Ruling of a Federal Judge upheld by a Federal Court of Appeals that the constitutional right to legal counsel includes the right to counsel of your choosing (in the infamous KMPG Tax Case), Superior Court in Pennsylvania had upheld Harlow Cuadra's conviction claiming that

Judge Peter Olszewski’s rulings before and during Cuadra’s trial were “well detailed and well-reasoned.”. Timesleader

You may recall that Peter Olszewski was rejected by voters for a new judicial term after a photograph surfaced if him with Disgraced Judge Conahan at Conahan's little Florida Condo, a Condo purchased with ill gotten gains from The Kids For Cash Scandal.

Almost everyone involved in Harlow Cuadra's and Joseph Kerekes' prosecutions have either been directly or indirectly linked to Former Judge Conahan's Racketeering Enterprise. And yet, some how the Superior Court in PA can claim that convictions from Luzerne County Court were fair and reasoned.

Everyone convicted of a crime by Luzerne County Court while Conahan and Ciavarella were in charge will eventually get their convictions over turned.